Wednesday, January 23, 2008

On the Road Again...

Yesterday we left New Orleans, but before we left we took a walk up on the levee behind the RV park. As soon as we topped the ridge, we were just about deafened by the sudden noise of the peeper frogs in the swamp below. The levee had blocked the sound, and the sudden exposure was startling. When we walked by the muddy water, you could see the frogs hopping into the water.

We found an old Coast Guard buoy down by the water that was half buried by a rotten log. We levered it off and were met by five or six beetles and four earthworms.

After getting back to the park, we quickly prepared the fifth-wheel for travel and hitched it up to the truck. We then put the things we wanted for the five hour trip in the truck and left. We have now arrived at Galveston, Texas by the Gulf of Mexico. There is lots of concrete to use my Hi-Tide on (I took full advantage of that) and a pool and game room. Written by Daniel.

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